Daniel Haider

Acoustics Research Institute. Vienna.


I am a PhD student in mathematics, working at the Acoustics Research Institute in Vienna. My research interests cover abstract frame theory, time-frequency analysis for audio signal processing, and deep learning.

In my project “Frame theory meets neural networks”, I develop frame-theoretic approaches to study the stability and invertibility of neural networks and propose architecture designs and regularizers to guarantee stable invertibility with a particular focus on audio applications.

If you are interested in the topic, I will be happy if you drop me a line 🤙



May 2, 2024 Yay, I received the Marietta-Blau Fellowship to spend 6 months at Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA, and work with Daniel Freeman on the recovery of vectors from non-linear measurements using frame theory :rocket:
Apr 19, 2024 Our paper “Instabilities in Convnets for Raw Audio” just came out in IEEE Signal Processing Letters vol. 31 :sparkles: